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Independent Read, Write, Collaborate

3rd-4th (IC)


  • Writes short fiction and poetry with guidance.

  • Writes a variety of short nonfiction pieces w/ help.

  • Writes with a central idea.

  • Writes using complete sentences.

  • Organized ideas in a logical sequence 

  • Beings to recognize and use interesting language/

  • Uses several pre-writing strategies (web, brainstorm)

  • Adds description and detail with guidance.

  • Edits for capitals and punctuation with guidance.

  • Reads beginning chapter books.

  • Chooses, read, and finishes a variety of materials

  • Begins to read aloud with fluency.

  • Reads silently for increasing periods (15-30 minutes).

  • Begins to use meaning cues (context) 

  • Follows written directions.

  • Identifies chapter titles and table of contents

  • Summarizes and retells story events in sequential order.

  • Compares and contrasts characters & plots

  • Makes predictions and “read beyond the text” 

  • Identifies own reading strategies and sets goals 

Independent Higher Level Concepts

5th Grade-6th Grade (IHL)


  • Writes persuasively about ideas, feelings, and opinions.

  • Creates plots with problems and solutions.

  • Begins to develop the main characters and detailed settings.

  • Begins to write organized nonfiction and includes sources.

  • Writes cohesive paragraphs including reasons & examples

  • Uses transitional sentences to connect paragraphs.

  • Varies sentence structure, leads, and endings.

  • Beings to use description languages, details, and similes.

  • Uses ideas, organization, word choice, sentence fluency, voice

  • Uses tools (e.g., dictionaries, word lists, spell checkers) to edit

  • Begins to use complex punctuation (, : ; ! ?) appropriately.

  • Reads medium-level chapter books.

  • Expands knowledge of different genres (realistic fiction, historical fiction, and fantasy).

  • Reads aloud with expression.

  • Uses resources to locate and sort information with guidance.

  • Gathers information by using the glossary, captions, and index

  • Uses context cues, other reading strategies & resources 

  • Follows multi-step written directions independently.

  • Discuss setting, plot, characters, and literary elements

  • Make connections to other authors, books, and perspectives.

  • Participates in small group literature discussions with guidance.

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