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Transcript Prep


We recognize that a typical high school schedule is not always for every family. For this reason, we also offer a delayed transcription preparation.


During this, I will help your review and organize coursework that has already been completed and simply needs documentation to back it.




  • An Algebra course completed and graded during your student’s freshman year that did not get evaluated for a transcript. 

  • Business planning your student took while helping budget, purchase, maintain, and reorder supplies for your family farm.

  • Public Speaking credit for flyers made to procure donations and lessons taught for a mission trip (could also be a credit for World Religions or World Geography)


We will work together to carefully retrieve all the necessary documentation to evaluate these experiences for course credentials.


More than the grade...



Homeschoolers have the advantage of time on their hands. Instead of being bound to six hours of classroom day, homeschoolers typically experience life in their community daily. A college portfolio is being widely accepted as carrying more weight than a SATscore.


Items to include in this portfolio:

  • Academic Information

  • Awards and Kudos

  • Extracurricular Activities

  • Community Service

  • Interest Inventory

  • Sample Assignments

  • Job History

  • Personal Information

  • Volunteer work


In addition to these colleges are asking for essays that demonstrate great personal growth through life experience


A homeschool portfolio is a detailed account of your student’s educational journey with a transcript to summarize your student’s education.


This is ideally prepared for each year of high school including assessments, logs, and grades. Students may begin their high school journey convinced they will never go to college. When their senior year comes, suddenly they are college-bound. 

This is a way to record those hard-working years into a transcript accepted by most colleges. 


How it works…


  • At the initial meeting, we set up a four-year plan for your student, along the way some goals and courses will most likely change. 

  • We will set up a grading schedule along with detailed plans for documenting requirements. 

  • We will use self-designed course descriptions &  grading tools.


Monthly you and your student submit a record of schooling for each course during that term.

Quarterly reports will be available for sports eligibility and good driver discounts.

 Yearly I will provide you with a copy of your student's course work for the year along with a transcript to be signed by the course facilitator (parent, coach, tutor, or other instructors).

This is ideal for athletes, students applying for scholarships, or families needing ongoing detailed record-keeping


Requirements for most Colleges:


Although traditional students will typically be expected to submit their high school transcript, 68%  of US universities will accept parent-prepared transcripts. 

Others will take portfolios, with letters of recommendation, ACT or SAT scores essays, and more, allowing homeschooled applicants flexibility in admissions.


  • More than 74% of home-educated students between 18-24 have taken college-level courses. This rate is much higher than the general US population, which comes in at 46% for the same age range. *Homeschool Legal Defense Association


  • “The applications [from homeschoolers] I’ve come across are outstanding. Homeschoolers have a distinct advantage because of the individualized instruction they have received.” Dartmouth College admissions officer


  • “These kids are the epitome of Brown students. They’ve learned to be self-directed, they take risks, they face challenges with total fervor, and they don’t back off.Brown University representative Joyce Reed

High School 8th - 12th grade


We have chosen to group them because there is a gross amount of learning that can be gleaned from these ages working together in a cooperative setting for all peers. In the Language portion, this group will work on a language arts unit that develops through 2 cycles and partners with a project that is fit for a portfolio, as well as grammar concepts and spelling. In the World Mathematics portion, students will work on live projects using math concepts such as developing a budget, creating a mock business, planning a trip across the country, and more. Each cycle I will provide a write-up of what standards were addressed for record-keeping purposes. Students should be prepared to spend time at home daily on their projects.


WHAT TO EXPECT - Language Arts

(A pre-assessment must be completed)​


  • Weekly homework packets

  • Spelling lists

  • Study skills individualized for how each student learns

  • Theme based projects

  • ex. Literary Devices through Pixar or Research Projects

  •  Portfolio appropriate final projects


WHAT TO EXPECT - World Mathematics

(A pre-assessment must be completed)


  • Using concepts up to and through Pre Algebra students will develop   

       life projects expanding math skills

  • Theme based projects that make math life-applicable 

  • A better understanding and concrete application

  • Portfolio appropriate final projects

  • Write up of benchmarks covered during the term

Throwing Caps
At the Wood Shop

Integrated Classes


An integrated class combines subjects across a variety of areas into one class to unify concepts and minimize busy, redundant work. The goal is higher-level conceptual thinking, as one would see in real life as opposed to book work. We typically start with a core class of either reading, writing, or arithmetic and then add unit studies and projects. 


Students then spend more time working on their projects, assignments, and conceptual understanding and less time filling out worksheets. The goal is that each skill they practice in these classes applies to real-life application. 


Example: Integrated Physics, US History & Persuasive Writing (3 Credits)

More information coming soon about Dual Enrollment, HOPE Scholarship and our Tech Program

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